
Saturday, August 20, 2016


A Thousand Knives

Beyond darkness,
Unforgiveness shouts
Like a thousand knives

Soiled beneath memories,
Creaking, lying………

I feel terror,

My lover
Is an angry mob.

©by Voo
June 28, 2011
10:10 p.m.


Hands of Fire 

I took the fire in my hands
Blew upon the blaze,
Clasped it to my hungry heart
And upwards I did gaze.

My mind was full of worry
My soul was full of woe,
My body was a tired thing
That did not want to go.

But down within, my spirit man
Stood up and said goodbye,
Waved farewell to the slaves of hell
And every scheme and lie.

They didn’t want to let go
They screamed their angry screams,
They threatened to make nightmares
Out of all my dreams.

And though their threats were frightening
And my flesh fought hard to flee,
I didn’t let them see my fear
Or weakness within me.

I turned not to the right or left
I kept my face like flint,
I felt the fire consume me
Though I was not burned or bent.

The devils howled in terror
The demons crawled away,
But the fire they feared, that holy fire
Refined me there that day.

My flesh began to crumble
My soul sought to submit,
My spirit grew to ten feet tall
And my mind was awed by it.

No more a faithless, worthless worm
No more a dirty rag,
My inner man, the eternal me
Stepped out of that worn bag.

And as I stood and watched it die
My mouth began to praise,
My eyes began to see the plan
Designed in ancient days.

And all my soul was quieted
And all my heart was healed,
And all the false things in my life
Fell off and became real.

I burned and burned as I drank deep
Of the new wine in the cup,
I burned when I ate of the bread
And I did not burn up.

I walked the world in flames of fire
That shot out of my eyes,
My heart, a wounded thing made whole
That heard the whole world’s cries.

And even now, as I write this
I must, of God, inquire,
How can I hold this paper here
When my hands are on fire?

I long to lay them on the heads
Of lost and dying men,
To show them hope in hopelessness
And make them live again.

I want to im-part what I’ve learned
To unbelieving fools,
Share with them the joys of life
Equip them with new tools.

I need to take them to the well
And bid them to drink deep,
Break their chains of dark despair
And give them keys to keep.

I desire to give this holy fire
That burns now higher still,
To man and woman, boy and girl
And whosoever will.

I’d give my life for others
If others my life could save,
I’d pull them out with my own hands
From the coldness of the grave.

This fire that’s shut up in my bones
Bids me to preach and teach,
This fire in my heart and hands
Bids me to seek and reach.

I yearn to touch the untouchables
And make them clean and new,
Watch the dross burn out of the gold
May I share this fire with you?

©by Voo Shining Stone


Evil Laughs While Holiness Cries

What is this thing that turns the heart?
That makes the brightest eyes go dark?
That steals the innocence out of the soul
And makes the wealth of the world it's goal?

What is this rot that creeps in the garden?
That demands a life sacrifice and never gives pardon?
That uglies the beauty and disdains the sweet
While craving the worship and kissing of feet?

What is this wretched, wretched woe
That spreads it's death every where it can go?
That laughs in delight when a soldier falls dead
And howls at the nightmares that live in the head?

It is evil, pure evil, the bane of mankind
The destitute, driven, despairing and blind
Power of darkness, and Lucifer's ploy
To rid all the planet of it's solace and joy.

And while it laughs in the face of the dying
Holding onto the rope that it's ever untying
There is holiness here that is watching with eyes
And while evil is laughing, that holiness cries.

Cries to the Heavens for mercy and grace
For tears to be wiped from each sad human face
Cries for the homeless, the poor and the lame
Weeps for the wounded, the lost and un-named.

Holiness living and breathing in men
Who've turned from the evil and seduction of sin
Holiness falling from the Heavens like rain
To revive us and make us into His image again.

Holiness from God, that invisible thing
That flows from His throne and His unending spring
To the hearts of the people that from evil have run
To the arms ever outstretched and the love of His Son.

That holiness bids us to righteously live
And flee from the foolishness that evil will give
To reach out in mercy and touch in His name
To give Him the glory and evil the blame.

For that evilness came from a realm so dark
It killed all the love in Lucifer's heart
It turned his soul into stone and to pride
And all of his beauty and blessedness died.

And in God's face, he shook his fists
And his musical voice became a hiss
As he watched his pure light begin to flicker and dim
He laughed, "I'll take all of His beloved from Him."

And from that day, in evil's grasp
He's turned bright futures to blighted pasts
And men that love that hated lie
Have laughed with him even as they die.

But holy tears and holy cries
Can break through barriers to Heaven's skies,
Dispatch the minions that evil sends
And reach the cold, dead hearts of men.

For holiness is of the Father most High
The power and presence that no mortal can buy
But His Spirit gives freely of that presence and power
To the forgiven, made righteous, in the Earth's darkest hour.

We do not laugh now, our heads are bowed
We've been so humbled, we've appeared so cowed
We've hidden ourselves from the world and it's pride
While evil was laughing and holiness cried.

But one sweet day, the tide will turn
And the realm of darkness will blaze up and burn
And all that laughed then will be mourning, condemned
But holiness still, will be crying for them.

©by Voo
Feb 22, 2014
10:35 p.m.


Image result for bridges

  Seven Bridges To Home  

The first bridge to Earth from Heaven
And life that must be lived
To learn and grow and much to know
Like how to take and give.

The second bridge from child to adult
And maturing, growing tall
Seeing what is good and bad
But never learning all.

The third bridge seeking for the One
Who gives that life to you
And giving that life back to Him
The God of Good and True.

The fourth bridge takes you to the world
And all that it may offer
The game of fame and making a name
And money in the coffer.

The fifth bridge stretches for many
And seems at times so long
While life slows down and foot steps falter
And you begin to long for Home.

The sixth bridge is a tiresome trek
You pray for strength and breath
You feel again like a helpless child
Unprepared for life and death.

But oh, the seventh bridge awaits!
And on that distant shore
Stands the Son of Man where life began
And calls you Home once more.

The seventh bridge, the seventh day
The day of joy and rest
The ending of the long long journey
The seventh and the best.

And at the end of the seventh
When you think there's no more to see
An eighth bridge appears to a new world of no tears
And you'll walk into Eternity.

Image result for heavenly bridges

by Voo
first poem of new year
Jan 21, 2016
3:07 p.m.  


Artist Rendition

Picasso paintings flash through my mind

Illustrative of the people I’ve known,
The people……… the men,
Okay, the lovers.……
Or the would-be-lovers that would have been
But could not be and should not be
But were there or almost there
Where I was and should not have been
At the time.

If that makes any sense.

Why Picasso, you might ask?

I’m glad you asked………..
It’s simple, really,
Let me explain.
(Are you sitting down?)

Ever since childhood,

Long ago and far away…….
Okay, yesterday,
Okay, look, it’s an on-going thing..……
I’ve always been convinced
That Picasso had a Humpty Dumpty fixation.

I mean, look,

(And I’m sure you’ll agree with me)
If we’re being honest…….
Don’t all of his painting subjects
Look like Humpty Dumptys
Who at one time,
Had to have been sitting on a wall somewhere?
I mean, really?

Love is like a badly cracked up egg

It can’t be unscrambled,
Can’t be un-scooped………….
You can’t remix the yellows and the whites
After you’ve separated them
Well, okay you can.………..
But then you have to bake a cake or something
(Or give yourself a facial.)

Damn! Why do I digress so much?!

The point I’m trying to make………

Is that all those Picasso people
Look like they’ve cracked up
On the sidewalk of love
And been repaired the best way he knew how
By the magic of art……..
(And unfocused strange eyes.)

Is that so hard a concept to grasp?

You seem like such intelligent people………….
I was sure you would understand
I was sure you could follow my reasoning
I was sure…………
(Who the hell am I talking to?!)

I was always a Van Gogh lover myself,

A Monet fan, a Renoir romanticist………
Van Gogh’s subjects were plain and simple folk,
Like me,
So ugly they were beautiful,
Their faces full of agony and passion,
Always searching for the beauty in the dirt
And falling for the lovers who were broken.

Every man I’ve ever loved was like a Picasso painting,

Oh, maybe not before, but afterwards….
One minute, strong and whole,
With the sidewalk beneath his feet………….
Head in the sky, smile on his face,
Reaching for me with those hopeful arms…………..

And the next thing I know,

I’m trying to fix him up
With Super Glue and Duct Tape,
Scooping his scrambled brains
Back into a skull like ancient sculpture,
Chipped and speckled like robin’s eggs
And hoping no one will notice what’s amiss.

I do the best I can…….

But there’s always something missing
When I’m done
Maybe the smile……………
Maybe the eye is over there,
The foot is dangling awkwardly………..
And I can never find the heart.

These memories hang,

In the museum which is my mind
Every wall, adorned,
Every space, filled up with art
So oddly out of place………..
Picasso pieces in a Van Gogh world.

It’s time to find a new hobby, perhaps

I’m beginning to think I’m a lousy artiste………..
An abstract Impressionist in a dark studio,
More skilled at finger painting than portraits in oil,
My end results, caricatures, chimeras and jokes……..
And all of my lovers, like bad scrambled eggs.

Image result for picasso paintings

©By Voo

March 6, 2011
12:50 a.m.