
Friday, May 1, 2020

Voo in Black and White


  1. There's more to her than black and white. More to her than pain and fight.

    But colored picture do not a portrait make. But colored pictures can hide such fakes.

    What you see is but a moment in time. Much more than I can put in any rhyme.

    But for now this is Voo in black and white. Maybe tomorrow will bring a brighter sights.

    1. ah, so!!!! The Wordsmithy doth try mighitily to raise a smile
      on the sad face of the Voo. And behold!!!! He succeedeth!!!!!! lol
      thank you JR!!!! 💜💙

  2. Well well well! There she is in black and white. Whether day, or whether night! Ready to take her magic flight! In such awesomeness and might! She's a character and quite a sight! No one could ever be more right! She's my Buddy and we're tight!

    How's that for an introduction?!

    1. DJ D'SAL IN DA HOOOUUUSSEEE!!!!! woot! woot!!!!
      thank you, my friend!!!! that was quite a compliment there!!! Rap on!!!!

    2. It's good to know I've brought out a smile. It's been so long, it's been a while. No more walking that long long mile, we're gonna put it away put it in a file.

    3. I wish......keep posting and praying....there may be hope for me yet. smile
      love yer rappin', dude!
