
Sunday, July 31, 2022

Dark Corridor

Dark Corridor

Walking down the long dark corridor

That is my life

So pitch black I can barely see

My past, let alone my future

I feel my way along the walls

Touch the crooked framed photographs

Hanging there, attempt to straighten them

And then stop; the effort is too much.

Where is that famous corner

I’ve heard so much about?

The one that everything wonderful

Is just around? The one you’re never

Supposed to give up on because

Just around that proverbial corner

It’s always Christmas and the presents

Are already unwrapped.

I’ve never found that corner

And I’ve almost stopped looking

I’m so used now to stumbling in the dark

Feeling my way along these walls

Touching the scant happy memories

Spaced apart like seasons, always askew

Always off, like the segments in a dream

That you want to hold onto after waking.

Once, a light tore it’s way through unexpectedly

And it almost blinded me

I don’t know where it came from

I’ve never known where it came from

And to this day I cherish the gift of it

Even though it was soon taken away

And the darkness seemed even darker then

Than it had before.

The light had been love

And the love had been light

And it had shone on me and lit me from within

And made me beautiful

For the short time that I stood there in it’s glow

Then it faded away and left me with these pictures

Framed memories, really, that I can no longer see

But only feel as I make my way haltingly

Down the corridor that is my life.

©by  Voo
July 31, 07


  1. What a sad little life………That was a long walk! I walked with her every step of the way and all I could think of is “take her hand and walk with her and be her eyes” and light up her path in life. And let her know that love surrounds her and envelopes her and has sealed her for life…….. a very touching story, mi Voo…… 💔 🏹❤️
