
Saturday, July 11, 2020

Mad As Hell and Not Gonna Take it Anymore!!!!!

"You shouldn't ought to make me angry...."


"I'm so mad I'm even mad at myself!!!"


  1. I had just gotten home with the cat food and I could tell he was ready for a knife fight with either the dog or the cat next door. (Them two shouldn't ought to make him angry.) I asked him what was the matter! His eyes had that "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore look on his face.) I knew it had something to do with that new "Chick" that moved in just down the street. Then I said to him, "I don't give a hoot about any of what you're mad at, you're not going be out cattin around tonight. He was so surprised that he turned white as a ghost. Then he gives me that look, you know that look, that defiant look. " said, "now look here junior, I don't two hoots how you feel. You're not goin outside!" I thought he was gonna go "Ape" on me. Then he had this, "I'm mean, I'm mean, I'm mean, you know what I mean!" look on his face. Then I said, "Junior, I don't care how mean you look, just go take a look in the mirror and tell me what you see. You're so mad you're even mad at yourself."

    1. lol you nut!!! talkin' to the cat again, are ya???!!! lol

    2. D-Man, you know you can't win engaging with a CAT!
      They are masters at winning in every situation. They never accept No for an answer
      and they either love you too death or annoy you endlessly until you give them what they want...
