
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

I Play For You A Violin

I Play for you a Violin

I play for you a violin
And song so soft and sweet
I keep my eyes downcast, demure
As I sit at your feet.

I play for hours at your request
Till time has lost it's meaning
And candles burn down to their wicks
And night is slowly weaning.

Before the dawn has fully come
You hold your hand up high
And bid me stop my melody
Arise and say goodbye.

You do not look back at my face
Tearstung and raised to light
You do not see the love I bear
As you pass from my sight.

A servant girl, that's all I am
With gifted hands to play
Sweet melodies to comfort you
From torments of your day.

A king of royal dynasty
A man of power and yet
You find no peace in power's grasp
No love in life's plan set.

And so I play and so you listen
In silence, just we two
Night after night till daylight breaks
And my heart breaks for you.

You have no inkling of the love
I feel there as I play
Pretending you are mine alone
Till morn takes you away.

To kingly duties, kingly demands
The power of life and death
There in your words, there in your hands
There in your very breath.

All day I wait till midnight comes
For the summon and the call
Your weary face so full of woe
Till at your feet I fall.

And I play for you my violin
Pray peace into the gloom
Wait for your sigh with tear filled eyes
As my love fills up the room.

©by Voo
April 28, 2007
3:45 p.m.


  1. So romantic in its own way and yet heartbreaking for the two..... haven’t we all gone through something similar at least once in our lifetime?!
    Well heart-written, Voo!

    1. This is one of my writes that makes me cry. It came to me at a time that I was feeling very unloved and also wondering if God loved me.

    2. Awww! At least today you have no doubt, He loves, YOU!..... The Voo! That’s who! No more feelin blue, cause you know what to do......You can also visit Aachoo! Cause she’s honest and very true! Who knew? But you have to see it from my point of view! Aye yi yi Que es mi nombre? Thees guy, hees a rombln on! Pay him no tenshun! He ees as loco as thee next burro following a kaarit on e steek!
      I weel hablar weeth chu later........

    3. only a nut could understand what you just said!
