I am a Storyteller, first and foremost. This is my blog for poetry, prose, stories, excerpts of my novels and videos. Life poetry, prophetic poetry, poetry for all genres. I think you'll find yourself here if you read long enough.
Crazy.....insane...is that your name? That's what I heard today They all threw rocks and chains and blocks And I dodged out of their way Stupid...moron...they screamed at me As I did my 180 twirl Why don't you go back where you came from? We don't want you in this world! I shrugged my shoulders and smiled at them And blessed them in my heart Just take your Jesus and get out of here They yelled at me: Depart! We want our fun, you mindless one Our TV shows and trash How dare you come here and bring us down Why, we ought to whip your a--! Bring it on, my brothers I said, opening my book Turned my cheek and started again In the glow of their angry looks For God so loved the world, I read And they pelted me with hate That He gave His only begotten Son As they screamed at me my fate The crowd grew near yet I felt no fear Even when they tore my clothes For I saw a hand reach from the clouds And into the sky I rose Holding the book and reading still I heard their astonished wails They stared at me and to a man They shouted "What the hell?!" You're closer to it than I am I pointed to the sod You're on your way to Hades's gates And I'm on my way to God But wait! they pleaded, Don't leave us now! Teach us how to fly! And I looked down at their startled faces And said, First, you'll have to die Die to self and die to sin And die to Satan's grip And to a man, the words "I'm lost!" Poured forth from anguished lips
I preached to them for many hours And they prayed the sinner's prayer Then the day grew late and they went their way And left me alone up there And in the darkness, I descended down Till the dew covered ground I met Uh, Lord? I queried, What's going on? And He said, "You're not dead yet."