
Saturday, August 10, 2019


Like A Baby

touching you today with gentle hands 
I wanted to hurt you but could not
the pain of the memory twisted my heart into wreckage
 and made my beauty
unrecognizable to your indifferent eyes. 

you didn't even see me, then. I was merely a wraith
standing there in that doorway watching you
 slow dancing with a perfect stranger
I felt like a once welcomed kid looking in the candy store window
 now locked Keep Out!

 I didn't know quite what to feel or where to look 
or where to stand
your eyes caught mine and you gave a cold little smirk
 as the knife plunged deeper
and icy hot tears began to make their way
down my cheeks in betrayal.

damn it, I hated you then! 
I wanted to rip you to shreds 
and torture you and make
you feel the way that you made me feel 
but all I could do was watch you dance 
and cry like a baby.

©By Voo
Sometime ago


  1. Love painful to lose what you only thought you had to start with.

  2. Why does it always have to happen that way? I remember being done that way. Being the one on the outside looking in.

    Cindy, you did me wrong and I don't know why!
    You broke my heart with untruths and lies.
    Left me in the cold that day,
    Took my heart like a piece of paper,
    Wadded it up and threw it away!

    That was 1972
