
Tuesday, October 4, 2022




Tempests in my soul

Chained over with darkness

Like rivers raging to escape their muddy banks

Clawing their way through sand and stone to daylight.

I feel the intangibles clamor there

To breathe fresh air,

Ride on the backs of wild horses and dance on the hills

Underneath the midnight suns.

They are there and plural they be

Not one tempest, not one intangible

But many fires that blaze and burn

In a forest screaming, full of dead dreams' bones.

But I will not set them free

I will not let them become tangible

For if I do, for if I do, I will live forever in their chains

And men will see me as the thing they cannot bear.

I am like a cauldron full of fear

Stirred by life and death and dread

Long handled spoons held by black-gloved hands

Stirring, stirring, always stirring and laughing in my face.

The light at the end of the tunnel

Is some times an on-coming train

How many times I have walked into it's glare

And been torn to shreds underneath it's steely wheels.

If I do not write these lies

Are they still lies which never shall be read?

Books written far below the earth, still printed

On the minds of nightmare with the ink of darkened blood?

There are tempests here

In my heart and soul, they war

One day white, one day black, one day gray

Colorless things that wear long cloaks of confusion.

Intangible entities and ideas

Yearning to become tangible

In a hopeless world, they dream of crowns of iron

Wanting more than what one soul can give.

They burn, they burn with tongues of icy fire

Freezing souls to death in summer

And wrapped in chains as garments, you cannot run away

Unless you pull them with you as you go.

They tell me there's a lantern shining

Upon a mountain made of gold

But none can see it with human eyes

And none can find it with human hands.

But if you call from desperate depths

You may be heard, you may be heard

And relief may come in your darkest hour like falling rain

But the hands will go on stirring until your life's last breath


©By Voo

July 20, 09

11:34 p.m.

My Scariest Writes Ever all links on one page......PART ONE

                                      CLICK on name of Poem to go to the link

                                           THERE STOOD A HOUSE

                                                        SEDUCTION IN PALE GLOW

                                                   APPARITION RIVER

                                                             DON'T LET THEM TAKE YOU TO ROOM 101

                                                                 I AM THE CROW

                                                    STORM ON A NEVER ENDING NIGHT

Let's do the Time Warp again..........

My Scariest Writes Ever!!! ALL LINKS ON ONE PAGE PART TWO

                           Click on title of poems below to take you to the page


(this may be the scariest thing
I've ever written)

love love love this one!!! Hot!
